Left Productions
We have gathered over 100M views on our videos. We have worked with many companies, from major organizations (Orange, LVMH, HEC etc) to fast growing start-ups (Medicanimal, Selectra, Hamac, Claripharm, etc). We produced music videos for many artists (Frero Delavega, Patrick Bruel, Marina Kaye, Lara Fabian, etc). We have also hosted more than 500 artists on 3èmeGauche, our YouTube channel dedicated to music. Finally, we manage the YouTube channels of French leading daily newspaper Le Figaro and work with large organizations on their YouTube strategy (Orange, the Louvre, Suez Environnement). Here's how we operate: Concept Everything starts with a good concept that will 1) generate returns and 2) have people talk about you. In order to achieve this, we have you fill out a creative brief to understand the messages you want to communicate. We then present you 3 concepts. You choose the one you think has the greatest potential. Production We then produce your film. We work with the best talents to ensure your film has this "digital culture" that will make it powerful. We produce different versions that we will then test online. Testing & Optimization We A/B test your film directly on YouTube and Facebook to see which version works best on which distribution platform (YouTube, Facebook, etc) Scale & media investment increase We then scale your investment and continuously optimize its broadcasting to boost your sales.
10 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Français
5 projets dans leur portefeuilleMembre Sortlist depuis 2016
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5 services offerts par Left Productions
Description Here is some of the latest project we have just launched for french as international campaigns.
We have created, produced and diffused them to make them the viral tool.Projets en Production Vidéo (3) Clients en Production Vidéo (3) BalineaInternet | nationalMEDICANIMALAnimaux | internationalUniversal MusicÉvénements et Spectacles | international
En savoir plus sur Production VidéoDescription We produce and create Motion Design for companies such as video concept that appears in their homepage or interne communication.Compétences en Animation (1) Motion DesignProjets en Animation (2) Clients en Animation (2) YNSECTPharmaceutique et Biotech | internationalLAPEYREServices à domicile | national
En savoir plus sur AnimationDescription Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.
Compétences en Stratégie digitale (1) AB Testing
En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitaleDescription Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.
Projet en Marketing (1) Client en Marketing (1) MEDICANIMALAnimaux | international
En savoir plus sur MarketingDescription Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.
En savoir plus sur Print
10 membres dans l'équipe de Left Productions
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Coordonnées de Left Productions
- Siège social114 Boulevard Voltaire, 75011 Paris, France
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